Dmitrii Evdokimov

12 April 1970 (54 years old), married.

CISO - Chief Information Security Officer at AO «City Invest Bank»
St.Petersburg, Russia

High Education:

LinkedIn: dievdo (closed in Russia)
Facebook: dmitrii.evdokimov (closed in Russia)
VK: dievdo (in Russian)
GitHub: diev
GitFlic: diev
GitVerse: diev
Telegram: dievdo
WhatsApp: 79219354701


  • 20+ years in IT administration, software development and information security.
  • Broad experience in developing of bank processes, skills in automatization of data flow procedures and transformations.
  • A number of programing languages and developer environments.


Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at AO «City Invest Bank»

June 2008 - Present (more 16 years)

Provision of information security (IB) of the bank in accordance with the requirements of regulators and counterparties: Bank of Russia (STO BR, 382-P, 683-P, GOST, FinCERT), FSB, FSTEC (Personal Data), SMEV, Treasury, Moscow Stock Exchange, NBKI, VISA (PCI DSS), SWIFT, FATCA IDES. Analysis of business processes, IT and telecom infrastructure of the bank in order to protect them against various security threats, organization of information resources, virtualization and backup. Implementation of metering and filtering systems for network traffic. Development of recommendations for staff and training. Development of software for internal use.

  • A full cycle of works with cryptographic protection and maintenance of key infrastructure: Verba-OW, Signatura, Validata, CryptoPRO, PKI, GPG, PGP, SSH, TLS, eToken, ruToken.

  • Administration, access and security: ARM CBR, PTK PSD, Microsoft AD, SQL, SharePoint, IIS, CentOS, KVM, Samba, Kerio Control, ZyWALL, VPN, RDP, VNC, IPTables, ESET ERA/ESMC, KAV, DrWeb, iRedAdmin, Zabbix, Asterisk (VoIP), OpenFire (Spark), FIMI, FineReaderBANK.

  • Development of tools for current needs like an ACL explorer WhoCan or a parser of XML data files of the Cental Bank of Russia to recomposite them according to a set of rules, SMEV/SPFS/SWIFT convertors, works with REST API of and (see Projects): C#, WPF, console, Python, CMD.

  • So-development of a set of lightweight HTA utilities to browse data with the PTK-PSD system of the Central Bank of Russia, to monitor the flow of parcels, to exchange data with the SVK system of the Cental Bank of Russia, etc.: JS HTA, PowerShell.

  • Development of the GUI frontend for Internet/Intranet Information System on banking cards: ASP.NET MVC, C#, MS SQL.

  • Design, maintenance and renovation of corporate websites: Amiro.CMS, MySQL, HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.

  • Development of various software modules to automate bank data flows and performing REST API calls through TLS connections: C#, PowerShell, Excel VBA, JS HTA, CMD, Delphi, C++, YAML, JSON, XML, XSLT, DBF, CSV, Python, Bash scripting, etc. - now mostly Visual Studio 2022, VS Code, PowerShell ISE, FAR, PostgreSQL.

  • DevOps on CI and version control systems: Git, Mercurial, GitHub, GitFlic, GitVerse, Bitbucket, AppVeyor.

Chief Information Officer (CIO) at ZAO «City Invest Bank»

November 1998 - May 2008 (9 years 7 months)

Management of IT and telecom projects, including budgeting and planning, the acquisition of hardware / software and optimization of use. Development and implementation of networks. Administration of Windows, Unix, Netware. Deploy and maintain corporate backup and configuration management systems. Banking databases (ABS) and application development. Preparation and control of the implementation of regulatory procedures. Performing the functions of the SWIFT officer. Selection of new employees and training.

  • Migration to BSS BS-Client: analysis of actual market proposals. Carrying out negotiations with solution suppliers. Tuning and deployment of this new Remote Banking to customers.

  • Remote Banking retail solution: Excel + VBA + PGP + SMail.

System Administrator at OOO «AviaTransAgency»

November 1997 - November 1998 (1 year 1 month)

Design and implementation of headquarters LAN. Windows and Novell Netware servers administration.

  • Outsource Delphi application development of a graphic design software for an American company: Delphi, graphics libraries.

IT Supervisor at OOO «Fruit Company «Palma»

October 1996 - November 1997 (1 year 2 months)

Implementation of international communications. Maintenance and control of execution of business procedures. Negotiation and saldo reconciliation between company, foreign suppliers and Customs. Supervision of report accounting of salesmen. Identifying and analyzing company needs and priorities in IT field and translation them into solutions or service requirements, technical specifications and commercial proposals.

  • Development of a complex warehouse system to account all orders and to control wares movements, sales, reports: Excel VBA.

Software Engineer at ZAO «City Invest Bank»

February 1995 - October 1996 (1 year 9 months)

Design of infrastructure and software products needed to solve stated tasks. Technical and economic feasibility study for projects. Analysis of current IT/Telecom infrastructure condition, strategic IT profile development and maintenance. Project management of new business systems development and deployment.

  • Development of ETL software services for transformation of data between different systems: C, Clipper.

Software Engineer at AOZT «Port-Bank»

January 1994 - February 1995 (1 year 2 months)

Research, adaptation and implementation of new technologies corresponding to bank strategic profile. New GUI application development. Participation in exhibitions, discussion groups and conferences for purposes of adopting of new paradigms.

  • Development of new graphical user interfaces for old databases: Visual Basic, Clipper, DBF.

Electronics Engineer at State Company «LenTechno»

February 1993 - January 1994 (1 year)

Maintenance of distibuted sites of computers. Implementation of networks. Development of systems accounting and inventory.

  • Development of an Inventory System and maintenance of computers: C.

Software Developer at North-West State Forest Inventory Enterprise

January 1992 - November 1992 (6 months)

Application development for PC and mainframes.

  • Development of a PC software application to quickly enter the big data arrays into mainframes: C, Fortran, FoxPro.

Education (High)

2015 - Diploma for the right to carry out professional activities

090104 (075400) “The complex protection of objects of informatization” at IT Academy Russia, 540 hours.

Professional retraining (540 hours) at IT Academy on the program “The complex protection of objects of information” with the certificate of the right to professional activities in the field of information security.

2009 - Certificate of professional development

“Information security with using of encryption (cryptographic) means” at Academy of Information Systems, 72 hours.

2001 - Bachelor’s degree

552800 “Computer Science and Engineering” and 1992 - some of 22.02 “Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control” at St.Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.


  • Russian (native proficiency)
  • English (I read professional literature)
  • Italiano (elementary proficiency)

Military Service

July 1988 - September 1989 (1 year 2 months)