Software Projects done

Descriptions of some projects (mentioned in resume) done by me and the time of their development/service.

A more full list of projects collected automatically is on github.


Console POP3 client to get all attachments: C#.

2021 - Present


Check webpages for updates of hosted files: C#.

2021 - Present


Obtaining XML data when accessing the NBKI API for calculating the debt load indicator: C#.

2021 - Present


Display ACL rights and export lists to Excel: C#, WPF.

2020 - Present

PTK-PSD Browser

So-development of a set of lightweight HTA utilities to browse data with the PTK-PSD system of the Central Bank of Russia, to monitor the flow of parcels and reports, etc.: HTA.

2010 - Present

SVK Transport

So-development of a set of lightweight HTA utilities to exchange data with the SVK system of the Cental Bank of Russia, to monitor the flow of parcels and reports, etc.: HTA.

2010 - Present

Cards Info Service

Development of the GUI frontend for Internet/Intranet Information System on banking cards: ASP.NET, C#, SQL.

2008 - 2015

Corporate Websites

Development, maintenance and renovation of corporate websites (i.e. and this): Amiro.CMS, HTML5, PHP, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery.

Automatization, B2B, ETL

Development of various software modules to automate bank data flows: C#, VBA, Delphi, XML, DBF, CSV, scripting, etc.

Migration to BSS BS-Client

Analysis of actual market proposals. Carrying out negotiations with solution suppliers. Deployment of new Remote Banking System and smooth migration of all corporate customers.

2006 - 2007

Remote Banking

Retail Solution for Remote Banking: Excel + VBA + PGP + SMail.

1998 - 2007

Outsource Development

Development of a graphic design software for an American company: Delphi, graphics libraries.

1997 - 1998

Warehouse Accounting System

Development of a complex software system to account all orders and to control wares movements, sales, reports: Excel, VBA.

1996 - 1997

ETL Services

Development of software for transformation of data between different systems: C, Clipper.

1995 - 1996

GUI Frontends to RDBMS

Development of new graphical user interfaces for old databases: Visual Basic, Clipper, DBF.

1994 - 1995

Inventory Control and Maintenance

Development of an Inventory System and maintenance of computers: C.


Forestry Data Transfer

Development of a PC software application to quickly enter the big data arrays into mainframes: C, Fortran.